Filmstar Abhishekh Bachchan and his wife Aishwarya were in Bhopal on Monday evening to wish Abhishek's grandmother on her birthday. They came to Bhopal by Jet Airways flight drove straight from the Raja Bhoj Airport here to the residence of Abhishekh's grandmother Indira Bhaduri.
The two also went to Vaishali Nagar to meet Abhishekh's aunt Rita Bhaduri and her husband and television actor Rajeev Verma.Rita Bhaduri popular television actor is the younger sister of Jaya Bhaduri. (pic courtesy A M Faruqui)
Reminds one of my days in Bhopal as TOI. Abhishek's grandpa Taroon Bhadhuri was with The Statesman. We had been together on many press tours of MP.